Scientists Identified These 4 Types Of Couples And The Fate Of Their Relationship

Ever wondered if you could label the romantic dynamic you and your partner share? Well, Science can! And it also went a step further and predicted the fate of each dynamic. After studying various romantic relationships, researchers at the University of Illinois claim that there are four types of couples in the world – Conflict-ridden couples, dramatic couples, socially involved couples, and partner-focused couples.

The team studied 376 couples over a period of nine months and tracked their response towards each other, level of commitment, how they managed the partnership, and likes and dislikes. Additionally, using their data they were also able to fairly calculate the average duration of each partnership. Which basically allows couples to predict whether their association ends with an HEA or not.

Isn’t Science just awesome?

So, if you are dating someone or dreaming to date that special someone, this article is for you! Based on the above research, here you could discover just what type of a couple you and your partner would make. Also, it would be interesting to know the direction of your relationship, wouldn’t it?

Let us talk about the four types of couples and see what scientists had to say about each of them.

1. Conflict-Ridden Couples

Such couples fight often, yet they love each other quite passionately. To know if you are into this type of a bittersweet relationship, look for these signs.
  • You spend a lot of time in each other’s company.
  • Whenever you meet it is quite an interesting and passionate meeting.
  • You fight often but each time you kiss and make up with double the passion.
  • The way you feel about each other keeps changing.
These type of couples always seem to find relationships rather complicated, but the good news is, they are less prone to break-up.

2. Dramatic Couples

These people and their relationships are full of drama, straight out of a Bollywood movie! A lot of reel life scenes are recreated in their love lives, and that makes them a little bizarre, but a lot of fun too. Look for these signs if you want to find out if you and your beau are dramatic lovers.
  • Your relationship keeps swinging between peaks and lows.
  • Your decisions are often governed by the experiences you had in the past. These past experiences may or may not have anything to do with your relationship.
  • Most conversations you have revolve around your relationship.
  • Strangely, people in such relationships prefer to spend their leisure time with friends rather than in each other’s company.
The probability of such couples parting ways is double than the rest. The number of such couples that walked down the aisle was also noted to be quite low.

3. Socially Involved Couples

This kind of couple receives a lot of envious glances, for they sure know to party hard while being in a relationship. Such couples are the first to hit the dance floor and last to leave. Their weekend plans involve drinks with friends, hosting dinner parties, and clubbing with their pals. If you want to know if you and your love are a party couple, then look for these signs.
  • A lot of your personal talk goes out on the social network.
  • You and your partner make a very affable couple. People love to hang out with you.
  • An ideal evening for you means hosting a party for friends, playing some board games with them, cooking together or just heading to a disco and dancing till the wee hours.
  • There are absolutely no inhibitions between you two. You could discuss anything and everything under the sun!
These kind of couples tend to be together more often, for their relationship is a lot more relaxed and friendly. Additionally, in the study, about 2/3 of these couples got married!

4. Partner-Focused Couples

The initial stage of a relationship is euphoric, but to carry that euphoria into a long-term relationship needs a lot of love and respect. We have all met couples who are so much in love that it makes us smile in admiration. Wearing the same kind of clothes or doing all mushy things in public, like being by each other’s side all through a party, may sound ridiculous or cheesy to the masses, but for such couples it is the norm. This couple is usually considered ‘mad for each other’. So, if you believe you and your hottie fit into this bracket, look out for the following signs.
  • Needless to say, a lot of your time is spent in each other’s company.
  • Your likes and dislikes are very alike.
  • Your decisions are focussed on making your relationship flourish.
  • Your vacation plans, which car to buy, and what colour to wear for the evening dinner party are all mostly the same.
  • You work hard to resolve your differences.
Aren’t the abovementioned signs enough to tell you that such couples are the ‘ideal’ ones and, hence, the happiest? 90% of such couples in the study said, “I do!”

Someone once said, “Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite.” So, remember, no matter what ‘type’ of a couple you are, if you live by this proverb and make efforts to make your love story a beautiful one, you need nothing more!